Monday, February 21, 2011

Some People Never Change!

Alright, so normally I do not get irritated by people's bull shit, but ever since I stopped being friends with this girl, Jillian, my freshman year of college she has been the thorn in my side. 
I know it is bad to talk shit about people, but let's be real, everyone does it every once in a while and today I feel like shit talkin'.

I guess it all started when I became a "bad friend" Spring Break '09. The night before we had to leave the 3 girls I was hanging with decided to drink heavily, which is okay, but Jillian does not know how to hold her liquor. After 4 consecutive shots of Southern Comfort she was not walking anymore but crawling on the sidewalk outside. I guess I am a "bad friend" because I did not really feel like babysitting over my spring break, but I did anyways. I helped Jillian get to the bathroom twice (with the boys help). After the first time the boys and I got her onto a bed and she cried for the LONGEST time about wanting to call her ex-boyfriend and it was so ridiculous that we even tried to get her to give us his number so she would shut up, but she could not get past the first digit. 
Both times she was in the bathroom I helped her pull her pants down and the second time while on the toilet, I handed her a trash can to throw up in...a bad friend would have left Jillian out on the side walk to piss and vomit on herself. But I guess she did not take that into account. All the while the two girls she considered to be better friends than I were outside still drinking with their neighbor. 
I did a lot that night after Jillian threw up. I am not good when it comes to vomit and I am almost always near panic attack mode when I am near someone throwing up. So after Jillian proceeded to throw up I asked one of the guys to hold the trash can for a second while I went outside to get some fresh air. Well, when Jillian finally was situated off of the toilet and I once again helped her put her pants on...which was a 3-man job: 1 guy holding the trash can she was throwing up in, 1 guy holding her up, and I pulling her pants up...she then was kneeling to the porcelain thrown. I thought in my panicked mind that it would be okay to just throw away the trash can she threw up in...I mean I sure as hell was not going to clean to jelly bean vomit chunks out of the bag less trash can. So, I threw the trash can away...maybe an hour later one of the drunk girls freaked out because I threw away her trash can and went diving in her trash to get the vomit soiled trash can, for the bathroom, out of the trash that I had thrown away. I know it was not the smartest idea, but I planned on buying them a new trash can, but whatever, she went into the trash to get that nasty shit out. One of the guys then dumped the vomit down the kitchen sink and used the disposal to get rid of it...this is just fucked up to reminisce, but true story. I went into the kitchen after him and started to clean the dishes to get my mind off of everything that had just happened. Also to get the house ready because we were leaving the next day. 
Well after such an eventful night, you can imagine how much I was ready to go home. When Jillian woke up she said she still felt like she was going to throw up and since I knew the boys were going the same way she was to get home I asked if they could take her because I did not want her to vomit in my car. They all agreed and took her home. 
I know that letting them take her home when she rode with me on the way there was a little messed up, but honestly I cannot deal with someone bitching for a four hour drive about something they did to themselves. 

Jillian and I did hang out after that, but there was just one day during the fall where I just thought everything me and this girl's friendship was based on was worthless, so I deleted her and blocked her from my Facebook. She called me multiple times after finding that out, leaving me rude voicemails about if I wanted attention deleting her from Facebook was not the right way to do it and just petty bull shit like that. She also like to send me rude text messages and was just very ignorant and rude, so I also blocked her from my phone. 
Since we had not talked to each other in almost 2 years, I thought it would be okay to unblock her and just see if there was anything said about me while we were not friends and low and behold I found this picture:
Well, I thought it was hilarious, so I requested to tag myself. My request was declined so I just went ahead and took the picture edited it so the one on the left was added so you knew it is really me behind that blue circle and then tagged myself. 
Lastnight, Jillian decided to message me on Facebook, just like old times and talk shit to me, but it is whatever because everything she has said has been childish...she is what? 22-23 years old and still acting like a child.

Some people never change! If Jillian really was mature, she would not be sending me belittling messages right now or blame that photo-editing on another one of her friends even though it is in one of her Facebook photo albums. If she was mature she would not blatantly lie about something when I clearly checked it out and saw that what she said was not true. I mean c'mon! Leave me out of your life if you intend on continuing to act like an elementary school kid because I am in college and came here for my education, not for toxic friendships with people who do everything BUT care about school. 

The friends that I have now know that I am in no way a "bad friend" and will attest, in fact, that I am a great friend to have in their lives. I do not need anyone to tell me that I am mature because I know that I have grown up since my freshman year of college.
Reflecting on this blog and summing it up in one quote would have to be: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Suess

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Singledom

Valentine's Day was yesterday, as we all know. I am single and have never really had a Valentine other than family and friends, but honestly it is not that big of a deal to me. I pretty much celebrated singledom yesterday by going to class and eating lunch with a Brother and her boyfriend. I had an exam after lunch, which I am pretty sure I beasted, and then I went home. :)
I then sat around for a bit thinking about how beautiful the weather was and then thought that my Valentine to myself would be a Love It size of Birthday Cake Remix from Cold Stone. I called up a friend while I ate my ice cream outside in the beautiful sunshine. It was so fucking delicious!!!
*Mental Note* I need to call my friends more often!
It was turning out to be a great day. I almost forgot about a Small Group meeting I had, but I ended up making it on time. Life can be chaotic, but I tend to try and make the best out of it.
After that, I went home and sat in my apartment and got to thinking, which is never a good sign. I started to feel the singledom blues and thought I had to do something for myself to feel better. So, I made myself a nice dinner consisting of spaghetti with my family's homemade meat sauce and cheesy garlic bread. I don't know what it is about pasta, but it always seems to be a comforting meal for me.
After all my cooking and cleaning I received the text message that gave me a big grin. The guy I like sent me "Hey happy valentines day" I know it was such a small thing, but I was so happy he said it first; I didn't have to say it first, ya know? I went to bed that night in a very good mood.
I also went to bed in an amazing mood because I own a pair of vibrating panties (yes like from The Ugly Truth) and I wore those for a little while, while I listened to John Mayer serenade me into good, good, good vibrations. Haha. Singledom = Masturbation on Valentine's Day.
It is just something I live with and it is a natural way to feel good. True Life.

Anyways, on a final note, I hope all my friends had a great Valentine's Day, single or not, it is just another greeting card holiday that people put too much thought into, but is worth celebrating in some way (CHOCOLATE!) haha.