My year is off to a dashing start. Tonight...let's see, tonight I am going to try and write about sex and how sometimes even bringing up the word makes guys run in the opposite direction.
If you have never read my blogs before, I usually write about a sexually related topic and tonight is no exception.
Where to begin...hmmm, guys, you sometimes drive me crazy. I mean you seem sexually interested and then it is like the lights went out in a matter of seconds and your erect penis in now a floppy, soft, no good phallus.
"The pecker does the picking." -Patti Stanger
She is damn right! If I look at a guy and hold his eye contact for a couple of seconds or at least look him up and down and become wet there is something there, at least on the primitive level.
Now here's where things get tricky and it fucks me up because all men are different. I have never been attracted to a guy with the same qualities, ever. Okay, so over the weekend I got to see a lot of different guys, very good looking guys, and pretty much tried to think of possible guys I might want to end up kissing at the end of the night.
I don't fuck/have sex on the first aquaintance, but I have no problem with kissing, I actually quite enjoy kissing. Right, anyways...there was one guy I kept looking back to this weekend and thought, yes, I would love to try and kiss/make out with this guy. I even let some of my friends know who this guy was, and mind you this is mostly a bit face-value judgement. Primitive, you could even say...
I was attracted to other guys there as well, but none that caught my eye as much as the one. So, throughout the night I was talking with friends about how most of us were sex apparently being the most sex deprived since my celibacy has been reinstated and it has currently been one year, one month, and four days since I last had sex. I made a tweet that night that said "I need sex" and I read out a hilarious response it got to one of my friends. A guy was around that doesn't know me well and cringed at my tweet and actually got up from where we were and walked away for a bit. Welp, my only response to his reaction is...another one bites the dust.
I really can't please all guys because y'all are all so different. How different?
One guy wants your tits and vag pics via text message. Another one wants you to hang out with him at 11:30pm or later, never earlier than that. Another one wants to show you the world and thinks you're brilliant. Another one wants to sleep with you, but you can't tell your friends or his because apparently it's a secret. Another one just wants you to come visit him for the sole purpose of sex. Another one just wants to be your friend.
One guy doesn't want you because you are too forward. Another one doesn't want you because you are too old. Another one doesn't want you because he thinks you're not forward enough. Another one wants your friend (that's the one that always kills me and just so happened to be the case with the guy I was attracted to this weekend). Another one doesn't even see you, in all sentiments of the word (just as bad as the previous one).
I'm sure it works the same for the ladies, but I mean it's like I can't even say the word sex without a guy thinking I either want to fuck him (which scares him away) or that in the next couple of minutes I will drop trou for him and pounce. There will always be a grey area when it comes to discussing these types of things, but I really thought sex was no longer taboo. If I say, "I need sex," please don't think I am referring to you when I say it. I am merely saying what my brain and vagina are craving. To me, that simple three word statement is just something everyone thinks and feels at some point in time, but I am not afraid to say it out loud. If I am saying it, it is in general. It's different than if I had said, "I need your sex" or "I need sex with you"...Anyways, I guess I found it quizzical and odd this weekend that some guys still find openness about sex, or in the least the sinful urges spoken aloud, to be something they still get squimish about...really?
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