Thursday, July 3, 2014


Hello readers! Oh me, oh my, it has been a year and a couple of weeks since my last blog post. I am the type of blogger that will post something when I am inspired. It has taken me a while to get my mind back in a writing mode for a couple of reasons. On July 16th, I will have worked at my first full-time job for a year! It has been a whirlwind of a year. I watched my friends get married. I helped them move. I celebrated birthdays. I was in a staged-reading of a play! I applied to grad school to pursue a MSW and was rejected, this past Friday I received the letter. It still stings a bit, but not my first University rejection. Anyways...If you are a new reader and have not read any of my posts before, you are in for a treat! I usually write about a sexual topic, usually on a personal level, and this post is no different.
To start off this post I would like to quote the Village People, "Don't go in the bushes! Someone might grab ya! Someone might grab ya!" -from the song "Fire Island"
This song just makes me laugh, especially those lyrics. My mind goes straight to the gutter when I hear those lyrics. We are heading into the gutter with this post. If you have not caught on yet, this post is going to be about pubic hair, mainly on a female, but a lot of this could apply to a man as well. Now you may be wondering how I was inspired to write about this topic. Here you go:

I was on tumblr. and one of the accounts I follow posted this gif set from Broad City and it triggered a thought in my mind. 

A lot of women, including myself, have been conditioned to think that we will be more appealing to our partners, if we are clean shaven and basically naked in our pubic region. I know some of you are probably thinking, "No that's not me. I have had pubic hair since I hit puberty and I have not thought of shaving it." Well, I have thought about it and did shave until recently. 

For me, the thought of shaving my pubic area was something I really started to think about once I found porn in middle school and I noticed that most of the porn stars I saw were clean shaven. Once puberty hit, I started shaving my pubic area around the age of 14. I remember it being a debated conversation between my sexually active friends. At that time I was still a virgin, but had no problems discussing and listening to my friends talk about sex. I remember one time discussing with a friend her plans to have laser hair removal, so she would not have to bother with shaving her pubic region again. Looking back now at that conversation, I am glad she did not follow through with that and I am glad that I never considered it. Well, I shaved my pubic area up until two months ago. I am sure you are wondering where I am going with this, so I will go ahead and ask and answer the questions for you. Why was I shaving in the first place? I was shaving for a few reasons, 1. Monkey see-Monkey do - watching porn and thinking that shaving was more appealing to my future partner; 2. My friends (well some of my girlfriends) were doing it, so I did too-peer pressure; 3. Once I started menstruating, I needed to be on birth control to regulate my cycle and at age 14 when that small hell began, I told my doctor I did not trust myself to take the pill every day. So, she put me on the birth control patch. What does this have to do with shaving? Well I put my patches near my pubic area and with the patch, there can be no hair in the way. I shaved to make sure my patch had a place to be properly adhered. Yes, there were other areas I could have put the patch, but this placement worked best for me.

So, I got used to shaving and for about 9 years I never questioned it. After I finished Undergrad and was out on my own, really alone with my thoughts, was when I started to ask myself why in the hell was I shaving?! There are so many benefits to having pubic hair that I questioned why I was preventing natures course. After learning that most of my friends did not shave anymore and really thinking about the positives of pubic hair, I decided to let mine grow again...Of course, I had to wait until after I switched my birth control from patch to the pill. I am happy with the choice I made and I think it is the natural thing to do and I am noticing that part of my body more because of this minor change.

The positives of pubic hair: 1. IT'S HEALTHY! This is a natural bodily growth; 2. It keeps the genitals warm, which means during sex a man is more likely to maintain his erection, given the heat coming off. It also means we can feel more comfortable naked; 3. It decreases friction during sex. Females who have a bare shaven pubic region are more likely to sustain "rug burn" caused by the friction during sex; 4. It is the first line of defense against potential bacteria and viruses that will try to infiltrate your genitals. The pubic hair serves to protect your goods; 5. For women, as we age the labia majora is susceptible to gravity's pull and it may not look as pretty as it did when you were 16 years old. The pubic hair is your friend and will make that less noticeable; Lastly, 6. It will never go out of style! No matter what the public opinion is, pubic hair naturally grows once a person hits puberty. It is unnatural to create a bare pubic area after puberty. Also, we have no idea how the public opinion will sway on the topic of bushes in the future.

These are just some of the reasons why I find it absolutely okay to have pubic hair. Also, for a while I was shaving to impress potential partners...I see no good in that, so if you are worried about what your partner thinks, STOP! This is your body and you make the decisions for yourself. Do not let someone dictate whether or not you should shave your bush. It should be your decision. Feel free to ask for your partner's opinion, but do not feel the need to take their statements into account when it comes to how you groom your genitals

To end this interesting post, be happy! Be free! Do what you wanna do! Thank you for reading and I hope I was mildly entertaining! :)

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