Friday, December 2, 2011

A Semester in Closing

So, the fall semester is coming to a close and I thought since it has been a while since I last made a post I would just write about my thoughts on how this semester went and give a few shout outs to those special people in my life. :)

Firstly, I would like to start off by saying that this has been the hardest semester in my college career and they say your senior year is supposed to be easier than your junior year. I can go ahead and call bull shit on that statement because I am a senior and this semester really was my toughest, so far. This semester I took 18 credit hours, I was the Scholarship Committee Chair in my National Honor Fraternity, I was a Big Brother in my fraternity for two Littles, and I still tried to have a social life outside of my fraternity.

With that being said my emotional health took a toll. I was constantly doing work or planning events or attending events or in class. I felt like sleep was so short and that I cried for way too many hours. I cried because I was stressed to the point of having mental, physical, and emotional breakdowns once a week if not more. I noticed that after the first month of school I was constantly feeling down and lonely. I felt like I had no one to help pull me out of my slump. After talking to my parents and friends, and still feeling this way, I scrounged up the courage and called the ECU Counseling Center to make an appointment to talk to a Counselor to try and help me feel better. This was the best decision I ever made. 

As I look back, I have definitely become a happier person and it is nice to know that there is someone who can help. My counselor, during our sessions, always seemed to give me great advice. She was very easy to talk to and that's really the whole point in counseling, they ask one question at the start of the session and you answer it, essentially you lead the conversation. Sometimes your mind will go off on a tangent to explain how you felt, but you feel better after you have said everything and the counselor gives you feedback on how to change things, if it is necessary.

Like I said, this semester has sucked. I thought I would never be happy, just completely stressed out and out of control. It was nice to know I had friends in all of my classes to help keep me sane and help me stay on track. Thank you Katy R. and Ashley J. for being the best classmates and friends to me! Also, I could not forget those few Brothers and friends who love and care about me and my well-being. They always seemed to be there for me at the right time.

I want to say thank you to Melanie and Heather for opening your doors to me multiple nights when I did not want to be alone in my apartment and also for several awesome sushi dates. :) I want to say thank you to my Littles, Kathryn and Sarah M., who were there for me when I was extremely stressed out. I want to say thank you to Chelsea B. and Morgan B. for being on Facebook chat at the right time, when I needed to tell someone how I felt and why I was crying. I want to say thank you to Libby for being there and always giving me your shoulder, whether it was to lean on or to cry on.

A HUGE thank you to Rachel and Chip for dealing with me in some of my worst moments of tears, up late at night, and stressed out to what seemed like infinity. Without you two, I do not honestly know how I would have been able to keep myself together. It is not easy to deal with someone who is as crazy as me, but you two stuck through it with me and helped me see to the other side. THANK YOU! <3

I want to say thank you to my mom, who came to visit me one weekday during this semester to help me out with my speeding ticket. After she went home she kept sending me motivational and inspirational emails to make me feel better because she worried, like mothers do. <3 

On another note, it was nice when I actually was able to get out of Greenville this semester. Not necessarily to go home because sometimes when I went home I was alone, which amplified my depression. Moreso, it was nice to see my friends like Abby, Lizzie, Troy, and Chip on days where I did not have to worry about school work. I also loved meeting their friends because those two nights were so much fun and I felt like I laughed more than I had in a very long time. It was nice to be around different people and enjoy their company. Those two nights I really felt like I escaped all the stress I had and just lived in the moment. I need more moments like that!

In closing, I cannot wait for this hell of a semester to be over, but I am thankful for the friends and family that are there for me through thick and thin. I love you all! I am extremely thankful for my parents, A GAZILLION THANKS!who do so much for me when I cannot reciprocate the amount of help I receive from them. I am especially thankful for the life I live, no matter how stressful it may seem at times. 
I love everyone who has made me smile this past semester! Thank You! <3

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