Saturday, December 10, 2011

What I am taking away from my Communication's Degree

If there is one thing I will take with me from Communication, other than the fact that it is everywhere and unavoidable, is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It helps me understand why I think about things the way I do sometimes. 

For those of you who are not Communication majors or are just not familiar with Maslow's Pyramid here is it:

I know this may sound nerdy and boring, but trust me it is most definitely not. ;)

The idea of this pyramid is that in life we are trying to reach the top of the pyramid, which is Self-actualization, but to get there you have to build up from the bottom. 
The most basic things we need to be copacetic are our physiological needs, it makes sense because to live we need to breathe, eat, drink, sleep, poop, pee, and here's the kicker have sex! The second step in the pyramid is safety needs which are being secure with your body, health, financial situation, family life, employment, and that you have a roof over your head. The third step in the pyramid is love/belonging needs which include obtaining and maintaining friendships, family, and sexual intimacy. The fourth step is esteem needs which include confidence, self-esteem, achievement, respect for oneself, and respect for others. The last step and top of the pyramid is Self-actualization, which is when one understands and masters all the previous needs and realizes their full potential in life.

Right now in my life I am honestly just trying to meet my physiological needs. I am definitely trying to remember to breathe, it comes naturally, but sometimes we need to be reminded. I have a love for food and drinks, there is definitely not a problem with that need being met. Sleep is important to me, but I know this semester I was lacking in that department. Obviously I poop and pee on a daily basis, and if you do not, you should probably go see a doctor. Now to meet my physiological need of sex, well I love to masturbate, so that is also not a problem, but let me just say that this physiological need is much better met by someone who will indulge in every part of me and make that 100 times more pleasurable than just my hand or my vibrator. ;) 

I am going with my gut feeling rather than my head and heart right now in my life and I know it makes me sound like a dude, but school is my number one priority right now. If I can have sex, well it's a bonus, but, let's be real, I am really picky when it comes to those who actually have access to my vagina and up until recently I had been celibate for 3 years and 3 months.

As for the second step in the pyramid I believe my safety needs are met. I feel certain that I am secure in my body. I sometimes put my health on the back-burner, hence why I have a cold right now during finals week, but all in all I know I am a healthy person. My financial situation is stable and I thank my lucky stars every day that I have such a supportive family. I know my family life is stable and I know that I can always run to them in any situation. I have a seasonal job right now and I know I need another job, but for right since school is first I am okay with having only a seasonal job. I am 100% sure the roof over my head safety need is met because I not only have one house, but two that I can escape to at any time. My apartment and my permanent home with my parents are those two places.

The third step in Malsow's hierarchy of needs is where I veer off of slightly. I feel that I have the love and feeling of belonging to so many friends and that that feeling is reciprocated. I truly, madly, and deeply love my family and I could not be where I am today without them. I could not be the person I am today with their love and support for these past 21 years. As for the sexual intimacy, I would like to say that when I have sex I get that, but at the same time I also feel like I am just trying to meet that first step of physiological needs. Right now as much as I would love to say I have sexual intimacy, things tend to get fuzzy with this subject. I do not know whether one would consider cuddling as being a part of sexual intimacy, but I love to cuddle so much after sex. I just do not know whether my sexual intimacy needs are being met, period. I am not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing because honestly I am unsure myself what to think about it, which is why I say I think I veer off at this step in the pyramid.

The fourth step in Maslow's pyramid yet again I feel like I have parts of this step, but other parts I know I do not. Well, that is what is keeping me reaching self-actualization at the top of the pyramid. The fourth step is esteem needs and I feel that at times my self-esteem is up there in the positive area, but then I look at myself in the mirror sometimes and just see someone who wishes she could go back to the body she had at 18 or things like that. I feel like my confidence level goes hand in hand with the self-esteem, because usually (not always) when my self-esteem is low, so is my confidence level. I feel like I achieve almost every goal I set myself to achieve. I feel this is true is for everyone. As for respect of self and respect of others, this is a huge value in my life. It may be a huge value in my life, but when I have casual sex to meet my physiological needs I sometimes feel like I am disrespecting myself...on the other hand I do not sleep around and I am definitely not a slut. I feel like you cannot fully show respect for another person until you show the full amount of respect for yourself. This is also something that tends to make the fourth step so hard to fully attain.

The last step and top of the pyramid is Self-actualization and since I have not mastered all of my previous needs I know I have not gotten to this yet.

I know that I am taking Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs with me from my Communication's degree in undergrad because it is so relatable to life as I know it. As I stated previously I am just trying to meet my physiological needs and live my life basically. What will you take away from your undergrad degree?

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