Saturday, January 14, 2012

Anal Sex

Okay, so as the title states this post will be all about Anal Sex. Everything I am going to talk about is from my experience, my opinion on it, Dos and Don'ts from what I've experienced and really just a sort of PSA that it doesn't have to hurt. In fact, in my experience it hurt soooooo good. ;) Some of this content is quite raw, so if you can't handle me talking about an asshole then you should probably stop reading here.

Well okay so Anal Sex, there's this big ugly fat stigma placed on it that it's "Gay Sex." Most guys who are straight would rather not tell their other friends, especially guy friends, that they fucked their girlfriend in the ass because of the gay connotation that always seems to be put on it. 
I'm here to tell you, that it's just sex. Straight people have it, gay people have it, bisexuals have it, is just another hole a penis/sex toys can go into and induce pleasure for sexual partners. Plain and simple.

Alright now that that statement has been made, I really enjoy anal sex. I was unsure how I would feel about it when I was talking to my sexual partner, but if you just push those thoughts to the back of your mind and realize this is just another moment you can receive pleasure out of, why wouldn't you?!
Well before I had anal sex for the first time I had looked up things online about how to make it hurt less because we all know and have heard the horror stories from attempts at anal sex. What I found online was slightly helpful and interesting. I mean let's be honest, if you look something up online at least try to have it be a somewhat credible source, otherwise take any advice that is posted online with a grain of this post, haha. (In the end the choice is yours and no one should make you have anal sex, period.)

Anyways, online there were suggestions: 
1. Make sure you have taken a poop at least two hours prior to sexual engagement, to ensure no nasty mishaps (ew!),
2. Try taking a warm and relaxing bath to calm any tension,
3. Try to have your partner during foreplay massage your anus and loosen any possible tension to lessen the initial pain,
4. Make sure to use water-based lubrication,
and 5. Always promote safer sex by wearing a condom.

Okay well since I stated what I read up on before actually having it, I will tell you my personal account of anal sex. 
Well my sexual partner and I were having vaginal intercourse and during a breather I was asked if I had ever thought about trying anal sex. Well I giggled and said to be honest that I had looked it up online. I looked up how to prepare for it and sort of what to expect from it. I said I had already taken my big dump of the day. (Nice pillow talk right? Haha.) So I was prepared for it, if we pursued anal sex that night. I am someone who really does not think twice about something, so I said let's do it. 
Well he was wearing a condom and I positioned him into the right hole and he entered me from behind. We were in the doggy-style position and towards the end of the bed. Well as soon as he entered this jut of pain went surging through my body and we both knew he was in...he thrusted a few more times and my hands fell to the floor, half of my body still on the bed. I was in so much pain I kept telling him to stop and that I needed to get back on the bed. So he stopped, pulled out and I crawled my way back up onto the bed and laid there in the fetal position with shallow breathing. I told him something along the lines of, "Ow. That. Fucking. Hurt. Oh my god." While I laid there catching my breath and feeling less pain, he asked if we could try again with lube. I wanted to smack myself, duh! So I said okay and he lubed up my hole and he reentered and this time it was 100 times less painful. 
*sidenote-you know that feeling you get when you're getting a tattoo? That it hurts so good feeling? That's what this felt like.*
So we were in doggy-style and he pulled out and told me to turn over. Okay, so I did and he entered me in the missionary position and proceeded to ram the fuck out of me. Let me just say it hurt so good that I came before he was finished.
**It took me more or less three days for my asshole to get back to a normal feeling. Your ass is guaranteed to hurt after anal sex. Common sense.

Anyways, now that you have this mental image of me having anal sex, haha, I want to tell you why it hurt initially and some Dos and Don'ts when you are having anal sex.
-Wear a condom - provides a barrier, most are lubricated, it's just safer.
-Lubricate!!! - seriously that was probably our initial biggest mistake only relying on the condom's lubrication, it hurt because there was too much friction and not enough glide. Lube it up and you will be golden.
-COMMUNICATE - if it doesn't feel good tell him!, if he is about to enter your vagina instead of your anus tell him and help him position it in the right place, LADIES: nothing could be worse than his penis going straight from your anus to your vagina because you didn't tell him or help him out. 
-Wash up after it is all over. Seriously though, why wouldn't you?
-Change condoms before switching back to vaginal intercourse, Ladies, I know you don't want the poop bugs/bacteria up in your vagina, especially since they can cause the UTIs (Urinary Tract Infection), Yeast Infections, and other gross bacterial infections. 

-Don't Bareback, unless you fully understand what you are getting yourself into.
-Don't do it without lubrication...with anal sex lubrication will be your best friend, after his penis.
-Don't let him switch from your anus to your vagina without changing condoms/cleaning up. If you do allow him to do this ladies-get ready for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), Yeast Infection, and/or anything bacterial related to creep up on your vagina.
-Don't go blindly into this. Try to look things up prior, to lessen the amount of discomfort you will experience.
-Don't do it if you don't want to, the choice is yours!

**There will be initial pain, that's just a plain fact. I mean you are thrusting something that is bigger than what the hole is used to on a daily basis. Common sense. So just keep that in mind.

In the end, as I have stated multiple times, the choice to have anal sex is up to you and your sexual partner. I think that anal sex is an acquired taste, but I really enjoy it. When I say that anal sex is an acquired taste, I mean a lot of people have had horrific experiences with it and don't want to try it again, ever, because that's how they think it will always be, painful. I feel like most of those horror stories stem from the fact that the sexual partners did not have access to lubrication and/or really think in depth about what they were about to do. I think for anything you plan on doing sexually you should at least know some facts about it before just diving in. I really feel like more people would enjoy anal sex if they could get over that initial pain stage and fully succumb to the pleasure that you can receive out of it, with lots of lube. 

1 comment:

  1. I love you. So straightforward and blunt-- I wouldn't have it any other way. Finally someone is honest and helpful.
