Last year I wrote a blog about my Valentine's Day and I guess for some reason I feel the need to write another because I did not cover the thoughts I have right now in my last one.
My opinion about Valentine's Day is very harsh, but I feel like it is valid.
Valentine's Day, in my opinion, is a fucking capitalist holiday where money is flushed down the shitter all for the sake of "love."
Does that sound a little bitter? Maybe...
Well, I say it so harshly because I have always been single on Valentine's Day and singledom on Valentine's Day is almost sickening and sucks...Every couple seems to be drooling over themselves. Making reservations and paying ridiculous amounts of money to eat at restaurants that have Valentine's Day Sweetheart Specials. They are almost always stressed out about their plans, especially when they go wrong. It's the one day every couple has an excuse to really show that they love their significant other...
I'm sorry, don't you do that on a daily basis? Why would you go out, spend a ridiculous amount of money to show the person, who already knows, that you love them? The answer only a Comm Major like myself could give is because this holiday makes it a sort of norm and most people feel like they are doing something wrong if they don't celebrate.
The funniest part is that this holiday was named after two Christians named Valentine (of Rome and of Terni) who were martyred back in the second and third centuries. A martyr has nothing to do with love, candies, greeting cards, and all this hoopla society now has us thrusting upon couples in love. Two men agreeing to death rather than give up their religious beliefs is what this holiday was originally about. Now we buy candy, flowers, Valentine cards, and get our knickers in a twist if one little thing goes wrong on our date.
I say forget about all that shit. Valentine's Day has turned into such a capitalist holiday, meaning too much money is spent on materialistic ideals of "love." If I did have a Valentine, and we are celebrating the way society expects us to, all I would want from him is a good fuck and we can call it a day...We end the session in the sheets saying Happy Valentine's Day and cuddle off to sleep. BOOM! I don't need the candy, the flowers, or the dinner at the restaurant (which will probably be busy as hell), just gimme yourself and I will be completely happy with that Valentine.
Show me you love me rather than trying to buy my affection...It's more sensible and not to mention it's free.
If I don't have a Valentine again this year, like last year, welp there's always masturbation...haha.
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