Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Being Naked

Being naked...I love it. I love the sense of freedom and sort of carelessness about it. 
Well, in this post I plan on delving into the naked human bodies (male and female) and human feelings towards being naked.

Alright everyone should know what a naked body looks like, most certainly their own sex, because they see themselves naked everyday in the shower, getting dressed, etc. If you do not know what a naked body looks like, take a moment and go to google and type it in...I'm sure under images you would be able to find tons of examples.

I will start with the female because, obviously, I know that very well.
I am just speaking very generally about this. I will not go into any anatomical crazy sorts of names and stuff so that you have to google it to find out what the hell I am talking about. Plain and simple...The naked female body parts (starting from the top->down) consists of breasts, a vagina (including the clitoris and labias), and anus. If you're thinking sexually, you would include the mouth in this group...
The naked male body parts (starting from the top->down) consists of pecs, a penis, testicles, and anus. Once again, if you're thinking sexually, you would include the mouth (especially the tongue) in this group...

Every one has different body types and different sizes of each of these things listed above and those parts of our body (except for male pecs) in the US are most often hidden and known as "private parts." I think because of what the US and society have tried to make us believe the perfect body looks like, people are constantly comparing themselves to that. People often find themselves not feeling up to the "sexy" standard. It is really disheartening.

Being naked is a sign of vulnerability, but with self confidence anyone can rock the birthday suit! As I stated at the beginning of this post, I love being naked! I don't really like clothes that much because, in all seriousness, there is no one-size fits all and looks good on all types of people clothing. It is so much easier to just walk around my apartment, go swimming, or sleep in just my skin and flesh. I sleep naked. It is comfortable, extremely comfortable, when I sleep and just feel the sheets on my skin. I am so accustomed to it, that when I spend the night at a friend's place, I find it weird to sleep in pajamas. Being naked is just natural. We came out of the womb naked. I am sure everyone as a child or at some point in their life, ran around their house butt-naked. I know I did, more than my fair share of times as a kid, haha. I think the times I find myself extremely vulnerable are when I share my naked body with a sexual partner because not only can they see all of me, I allow them to use all of their senses and touch me, taste me, smell me, and hear the sounds I make when I allow them to do all of those things. It is one of the times I feel like my body is not up to par or is not the best naked body he has ever seen...but then I think again and tell myself I am beautiful. I have nice curves. I have a nice ass. I have nice breasts that I can play with at any time I damn well please. I, of course, have a very well-kept vagina that gets its deserved attention. I just have to remind myself, with confidence, that my body may not be perfect, but damn I look hot without any clothes on! ;)

It is interesting that something so simple as being naked becomes warped when you put it within the context of adult life. The perfect naked body does not exist! Plastic surgeons will continue to make money off of the people that believe that statement is false though. Those people believe they can achieve the perfect body through the loss of so many thousands of dollars, surgeries, pain, recovery, etc. Porn is another example of what people think the naked human body should look's all wrong. Pornography type casts just like any other Disney movie does and not everyone looks like that. Not everyone has DD breasts or a 10 inch penis, just sayin'. Everyone is different! If people would stop taking their cues from society on what type of naked they consider "hot" and tried to find the "hotness" by looking in the mirror, their confidence in being naked would rise. I believe it. 

If there was one thing I would suggest to help boost that confidence, find something you like to do and do it naked.
***PLEASE make sure it's legal, good lord, do not be stupid about it! Don't do something like go to Backdoor Skatepark and try to skateboard completely naked. A good example is to get ready for your day completely naked in your bathroom, bedroom, etc. up until the point where you obviously have to get dressed and leave for school, work, etc. 
I like to get ready naked and one thing I find really fun to do is jam out to music around my apartment, do a little dance, sing a few verses and refrains, and just enjoy the freedom I have in my own. :) 

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