Tuesday, October 5, 2010

There's a fine line between being nice and being creepy.

There is totally a fine line between being nice and being creepy and I will explain from experience.

I had this friend, let's call him Jimmy. Well, Jimmy and I became friends because we agreed on certain things and have common interests.

It seemed as though after we became friends, he would comment on my every Facebook status, uploaded photo, post unnecessary comments on my wall, he would send me event invitations and then immediately after he saw me online he would Facebook chat me to see if I was going. Things like that got really old really fast and I started to get annoyed with it. That's as far as I would take the friendship because I was not physically attracted to him nor did I have any interest in dating him.

I let him know that I did not have any feelings for him beyond friendship.

I gave him my number because we go to the same college, we were in some of the same classes/different times and we had lunch a couple of times, but he abused my cell phone by texting randomly with things that were not worth a text message reply. 

I let him know that he was annoying me and for a little while he staved off on the comments and such. But, he thought after having one Facebook chat with me over the summer he could start blowing up my notifications again.

By the summer, he not only had my phone number and was friends with me on Facebook and commented on everything on there, he was now following me on twitter and mentioning me in tweets, asking me questions on formspring.me, and when I started this blog he was my only follower.

Jimmy seemed to have a very good memory, which was also a little on the creepy side. He would remember things that I had forgotten about and really could care less. 

He would tell me a song about being in love with a girl was about me or a song from my favorite band was about me, and he would give me unwanted compliments - i.e. I don't need makeup to look beautiful. He may have thought these were nice gestures, but I didn't like him that way. So, I didn't want to hear it and felt uncomfortable when he would tell me things like that. He didn't understand why I was uncomfortable.
When I actually did want to talk to him he would try to get me to go to another campus ministry he was heavily a part of, but I didn't want to go due to the people that were a part of it and he didn't get that either.

One night last fall I opened up to Jimmy and told him about a very dark part of my past, which took me a good while to get over and the consequences from my past. I trusted he could keep it a secret, which he did. But, last night he decided to show what grade he's actually in (1st grade) and boast to me in a Facebook message that he was so proud that he kept my secret for about a year. Well, because he said that it brought back the memories and I got upset. I told him not to say anything again and leave the past in the past. He apologized and then went all emo and said something along the lines of whenever one tries to give a nice gesture it WILL come back to bite them in the ass. That pissed me off and I told him how I felt and that I really did not expect him to remember what I said nor tell anyone. He got smart with me and said True Friends always remember. He really upset me and I calmly responded True friends don't bring up bad/hurtful memories. He said he needed to cool down and 7 minutes later completely switched gears and was acting like our conversation had never happened.

From the way he acted last night it is safe to say me and Jimmy are NOT friends anymore on any social network and it was my choice. Last night was the last thread of friendship I had with him...he brought something up from my past that I would rather keep there and I have tried to tolerate his annoyance, but it has been a long time coming...I'm finally saying I don't need his friendship. HOPEFULLY he will grow up and realize that this happens in life and he'll learn from his actions.

Getting back to the fine line is the fact that he would think he was being nice, but in my opinion he was being creepy. Hopefully, my friends, you will learn the difference between being nice and being creepy and not become a borderline creeper or cross that line. :)

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