Monday, April 4, 2011

Sleep Deprived Driving

I don't know what it is about driving, but I just hate long boring drives...especially when I have done them so many times I don't know what to do with myself during that time.

I have tried blasting my music, rolling my windows down just enough to annoy me, seeing that I'm driving mostly on a 70 mph highway most of the way, turning on the heat/air conditioning to wake me up somehow and singing along with the music. 

When I am tired, no matter what I have tried to do, nothing seems to help me. I notice that I have no conscious idea of how fast/slow I'm driving, which is awful, and no matter what kind of music I am blasting I still feel like I could doze off any minute. I have even tried slapping myself, but all that does is temporarily sting my cheeks.

Well on a desparate whim, one drive back to Greenville I thought maybe I could wake myself up by masterbating, haha. It felt right, Maroon 5 was serenading me with "Harder To Breathe," which actually just popped up on shuffle. I just thought, awe what the hell if this doesn't do the trick I will just turn on the Wicked Soundtrack, because for some reason that album always wakes me up. Well, masterbation was a very good idea, with my cruise control on of course. I was definitely awake after those few minutes of self pleasure and thankfully made it back to Greenville safely, haha. 

Life lesson: I just need to get enough sleep, so I will not feel like I am about to fall asleep at the wheel driving to and from Greenville, haha. If that is not an option, masterbating always will be. ;)

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